These collection of manuals tell you everything you need to know about the components on the Playlyfe Platform.
Component Manuals
There are 6 core components in any game you build on Playlyfe. Each component adds different functionality into your game. Click through each one to learn more about the component and how it ties into the bigger picture.
- MetricsDefine measures for player performance
- ActionsAdd simple interactions to your app.
- LeaderboardsRank your players and your teams, daily, weekly or till eternity!
- RulesReward player behaviour.
- ProcessesDesign the player flow, visually!
- TeamsGroup players and divide tasks.
Integration Manuals
Looking to integrate Playlyfe into your application? You'll need to create Clients for that! There are couple of things you'd need to keep in mind — the type of app you are building, and the type of authentication you want for your players. Each scenario has a recommended way of integrating with Playlyfe. Here are all the types of clients Playlyfe offers you. Click through them to know which one would fit you best!
For Backend Apps
- Client-Credentials FlowOffers custom login for backend apps
- Authorization-Code FlowOffers Playlyfe login for backend apps