A rule checks players for certain conditions and performs a specific action on the players if they satisfy those conditions. The action taken by the rule depends on its type.
Achievement Rules
An achievement rule awards a specific achievement to a player when they satisfy all the conditions.
Achievement rules are ideal for giving away badges (using set metrics) when the player meets certain conditions.
Achievement rules are evaluated everytime a player does some action.
It consists of 2 parts:
- Achievement - The achievement itself, which must be an item of a set metric. A player cannot receive an achievement if he already has it. An achievement rule does not remove an awarded achievement if a player fails any check at a future time.
- Requirements - A list of checks. A player must pass all checks to gain the Achievement.
You can use these conditions that while defining the achievement requirements:
Use Cases
Apart from awarding achievements on certain conditions, you can organize achievement rules in complex hierarchies using checks. Each tier of achievements can check if the player was already awarded any achievements on the previous tier.
Related API
Level Rules
A level rule is used to determine the level of a player. The level rule basically changes the state of a player based on various thresholds on a given point metric.
A level rule has 3 parts:
- Base Metric - A point metric which is checked to determine the level to be assigned. The 'minimum' and 'maximum' constraints of the base metric determines the threshold value range.
- Level Metric - A state metric whose preset states represent the different levels.
- Levels - An ordered list of levels. Each level consists of a state and a threshold value. A player achieves a level when they cross the threshold for the previous level in the list.
Use Cases
You can create an experience based level system using level rules. You could also use them to show different reward tiers within a game.
Caution: Level rules only work if a player has a metric, so in case you want a player to have a certain level after creation, you might want to consider bootstrapping the base metric.
Related API
Custom Rules
Unlike the other two rules, where the rewards were fixed at either a set or a state metric, there are no such restrictions in a custom rule.
You can also do a lot more as they have variables that can be passed during runtime, which can be used to modify your conditions or rewards on the fly.
Lastly, they need to be triggered independently via an API call and can be applied on multiple players. You can have a look at our API documentation on custom rules for the details. To know more about how rewards are applied in custom rules, click here
A custom rule has 2 parts:
- Variables - Variables that can be passed in during runtime and can be used in conditions for rewards or in rewards themselves. Variables can be of 2 types - either strings or integers.
- Rewards - Rewards are a set of scores and conditions where the scores are given to a player if he satisfies the given conditions.
Use Cases
There might be scenarios where using an action might not be the right, specially for some ad-hoc tasks or accounting for some unexpected behaviour.In a classroom model, you might be doing quizes and giving homework, both are a great fit for actions, but what if you want to give special rewards to those who have been consistent? You can create a custom rule that can be triggered every week to do this check.
Similarly, in sales teams, recording sales, leads, calls, etc are easy to do via actions. Now if you want to check if people have reached their targets or give out bonuses to those who exceeded them, custom rules can easily do the job.
Rewards in Custom Rules
Like mentioned earlier, there are no restrictions on the scores that can be given to players via custom rules. These scores will be given everytime a player satisfies the reward conditions and there is no concept of chance/probability in custom rules.
Conditions in custom rules are very similar to that of actions, here is the break down of the different kinds of conditions that can be put into place:
Variables and Formula
With Custom rules, you get the option of sending variables at runtime. With these variables, the behavior of the rule can be modified at runtime.
These are the properties of variables that should be kept in mind while designing.
Variables allow users to input dynamic contents for evaluating rules when an action is performed. Each variable has the following properties:
Field | Description |
name | The name of the variable. |
type | This is the type of the variable it can be a number or a string. |
required | Whether the variable is required when the player performs this action. |
default | The default value of the variable, which is applied only if the required property is not set. |
Variables can be used in creating a formula, which in turn can be used in conditions and rewards.
Formula Based Conditions:
There are 2 ways we can have formula based conditions:
Equation Based - Specify both the LHS and the RHS of an equation.
Metric Based - The value of a metric as the LHS and an expression on the RHS.
Formula Based Scores:
Rewards can also have value that use a formula and let you vary rewards at runtime (Only available via API at the moment).
You are not restricted to simple expressions and can create more complex ones as per your requirement.
In any case (condition or scores) valid expression can be created using the following:
Scopes let you create leaderboards for an arbitrary group of players. These are particularly useful when you want to create groups based on the source of an event.
Scopes are available only from Playlyfe API v2.0
Consider a class in which students are being offered various optional courses. Each course has quizzes which on completion grant rewards to the students. To maintain a leaderboard for any given course, instead of creating teams for each course, you can simply pass the course's name or any other unique identifier as the scope and a leaderboard for that course will be created on the fly. This leaderboard will only track actions or rules or processes that have been performed with the given scope.
Scopes are currently available only via API and are not available in the simulator.
Scopes would need a custom leaderboard in the design of the game. When executing an action, rule or task, you need to pass the scopes an array of objects with a keys id and entity_id. The id is the actual scope ID and the entity_id is the ID of the player who is being scored.
Related API
Design Structure
Base Structure
All rules have these common fields. Extra fields are required depending on what type of rule it is.
Field | Description |
id | A unique ID for the rule. |
name | A name for the rule. |
description | Brief description of the rule. |
type | The type of rule. Can be one of level, achievement or custom. Achievement Rule Structure Level Rule Structure * Custom Rule Structure |
Achievement Rule Structure
Achievement Structure
Field | Description |
metric | This is the set metric a player will achieve if he statifies the requirements. Click here to see the metric structure. |
items | The items of the set metric that the player will gain. Each item will contain the properties Click here to see the item structure. |
requires | A set of conditions, based on which the achievement will be awarded to players. Click here to see the condition structure. |
Achievement Metric Structure
Field | Description |
id | The id of the set metric. |
Achievement Item Structure
Field | Description |
key | The name of the set item. |
value | Number of this item the player would gain. |
Achievement Requirements Structure
This allows certain checks to be performed to make sure a player can actually see/perform/join the task, action, team.
Field | Description |
type | The type of condition. It can be one of metric, action, team, and, or. |
not | If true, inverts the condition. So any check which would usually evaluate to true will now evaluate to false. |
expression | An array of contexts joined with an AND or OR operator. This field is only applicable if the condition type is and or or, and replaces the context field. |
context | The actual comparison expression.
The structure changes depending on the type of condition selected. The
structure for each condition is defined below:
Metric Based Condition
Condition which depends on a player's score for a particular metric
Field | Description |
id | ID of the metric. |
type | Type of the metric being used for comparison.
For set metrics, there is an additional item field which denotes the set item |
item | The set item whose value will be compared.
This field is only available if the metric type is set. |
operator |
Can be one of the relational operators:
value | The value of the metric that the player should have on his scores. |
Action Based Condition
Condition which depends on how many times an action has been performed.
Field | Description |
id | ID of the action. |
operator | Can be one of the relational operators: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le. |
value | The number of times the action should be executed by the player. |
Team Based Condition
Condition which depends on how many times an action has been performed.Field | Description |
definition_id | Definition ID of the team which the player should be a part of. |
role | The role the player should have within the team of this type. If you don't care about the role, then you can ignore this field. |
All Conditions: and
An and condition, which is shown as All of the following rules can be used to join two or more conditions such that the whole condition will be true only when all of the child conditions are true.Example:
Any Condition: or
An or condition, which is shown as Any of the following rules can be used to join two or more conditions such that the whole condition will be true even if only one of the child conditions become true.Example:
Level Rule Structure
Field | Description |
base_metric | This is the id of the point metric which you would be using to calculate the levels. |
level_metric | This is the id of the state metric which will supply the list of states to be used as levels. |
levels | This is an array of items, each item having one state item (from the level_metric) and the maximum threshold (base_metric) when that state item is applied to players. Click here to see the properties each item requires. |
Level Rule Item Structure
Field | Description |
rank | The name of the state you would like to assign. |
threshold | The max value of the base_metric (upper threshold) that is required by the player to gain this level. The lower threshold for each is determined as one more than the previous level's threshold. The lower threshold for the first level is hard-coded to -Infinity. |
Custom Rule Structure
The rules that would be evaluated to give rewards to the player. This is an array consisting of objects with the fields rewards and requires.
Field | Description |
rewards | The set of metrics that a player gets when he finishes this action. This is a an array consisting of one or more Rewards. |
requires | These are the conditions which are checked to see if the player is suitable to get this reward. For more information on requires, see the Requires Structure below. |
Reward Structure
Field | Description |
metric |
The metric which will be used for the reward. This is an object with two fields:
verb | Defines which operation is performed for this reward. Can be one of add, remove, set. |
value | The value by which the player's score changes. |
probabilty | The chance that this reward in an action or process task can be given must be within [0, 1] range. |
Requires Structure
This allows certain checks to be performed to make sure a player can actually see/perform/join the task, action, team.
Field | Description |
type | The type of condition. It can be one of metric, action, team, and, or. |
not | If true, inverts the condition. So any check which would usually evaluate to true will now evaluate to false. |
expression | An array of contexts joined with an AND or OR operator. This field is only applicable if the condition type is and or or, and replaces the context field. |
context | The actual comparison expression.
The structure changes depending on the type of condition selected. The
structure for each condition is defined below:
Metric Based Condition
Condition which depends on a player's score for a particular metric
Field | Description |
id | ID of the metric. |
type | Type of the metric being used for comparison.
For set metrics, there is an additional item field which denotes the set item |
item | The set item whose value will be compared.
This field is only available if the metric type is set. |
operator |
Can be one of the relational operators:
value | The value of the metric that the player should have on his scores. |
Action Based Condition
Condition which depends on how many times an action has been performed.
Field | Description |
id | ID of the action. |
operator | Can be one of the relational operators: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le. |
value | The number of times the action should be executed by the player. |
Team Based Condition
Condition which depends on how many times an action has been performed.
Field | Description |
definition_id | Definition ID of the team which the player should be a part of. |
role | The role the player should have within the team of this type. If you don't care about the role, then you can ignore this field. |
Timed Condition
You can also define conditions which become true only when triggered on a particular time.
Field | Description |
func |
The time unit to be counted, against a fixed duration. The available choices are:
operator | Can be one of the relational operators: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le. |
value | The count of the unit to be counted chosen in the func field. For example, for day of week, the value will represent day, and sensible values will be an integer between 1 to 7, both included. |
Formula Based Condition
You can also setup equations with two sides, a left-hand expression (LHS), a right-hand expression (RHS) and an operator. Whenever the equation is satisfied, the condition becomes truthy.
Field | Description |
lhs |
An arithmetic expression, which can use other metrics or variables defined within the custom rules
as components.
An example:
$ + $vars.run_length
operator | Can be one of the relational operators: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le. |
rhs | Another arithmetic expression, same as the lhs. |
Variables allow users to input dynamic contents for evaluating rules when an action is performed. Each variable has the following properties:
Field | Description |
name | The name of the variable. |
type | This is the type of the variable it can be a number or a string. |
required | Whether the variable is required when the player performs this action. |
default | The default value of the variable, which is applied only if the required property is not set. |