2016-04-11T07:15:16-04:00 —
Hi, in my game user do actions, their individual profiles have activity history. But when I go to Explorer -> Game activity, nothing is there. Few weeks ago I had history there, now everything is gone.
2016-04-11T07:51:57-04:00 —
Hi Marcin,
Only global events like rules (level, achievements) end up coming in the game activity log. Everything else is in the player activity log. And also creating/deleting processes.
2016-04-11T08:48:01-04:00 —
I don't see achievements neither. And that does not explain why logs that I have seen there are deleted.
2016-04-13T04:20:37-04:00 —
If there were logs previously they couldn't have just disappeared. They have to be there. Maybe the UI is now showing since its a bit in the past. Could you try getting some achievements/levels or creating processes and see if you logs is showing them?
2016-04-13T04:41:22-04:00 —
It was not so far in the past.
Okay, I just went to one player profile. In his activity feed I read:
Your Player level level changed from Private to Corporal.
5 days ago
I don't see that same log in "Game Activity" view.
I can't trigger any level ups of achievement by myself, I will wait until someone gets one and check the Game Activity again.
2016-04-18T05:22:52-04:00 —
I have confirmation that Game Activity is beeing cleared. On Friday I had four entries in there. Today the view is empty again.
2016-04-23T23:30:51-04:00 —
@Peter_John there seems to be a bug here. I cant see the logs even in my apps.
-- update --
Just noticed. By default, the app just queries for game activity logs for the past 24 hours(from the looks of it). I think we should fix this. Its somewhat misleading.